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Well well well well well.
I am home, safe and sound.
Was waiting in line at Heathrow, and it was about half an hour after Nicola and the kids had left me when I saw this brown face walking by. I wondered if it was my friend Tiffany (who was also due to leave the UK the same time as me) and thought I would call out to her, and low and behold it was! So she managed to jump the cue and we did a little catching up, before talking our way into a shorter line.
When we made our way to the front of this line I was faced with a dilemma.
My flight was overbooked and they were looking for volunteers to go on the next day's flight. They were offering GBP400 cash and put you up for the night too!...
But after a little consideration of the height of my emotions at the time, I felt I did not want to hang around for another day, and it is only money right....? That also meant my request of an upgrade was wasted, but the guy did reassure me that if there was to be one at the last minute, I should not be surprised if they offered me one at the gate.
They did not.
I did however spent the whole time crying on the phone to Selina, which was rather weird seeing there was no emotion at all when I left Australia...
So I cried the time it took us to take off and the time it took us to land in Bangkok. With some half decent food, a few movies and a few hours sleep inbetween.
We were told we could leave the plane if we wanted, or stay on, as there would only be a stop of about an hour, and no time for shopping so I stayed on board. Took a walk around the plane (did you know they get fresh flowers in First class!!!!) and got to know some of the flight crew.
I was seated next to two men who had been in Bangkok for 10 days doing what single men do in Bangkok, and of course I cried again during take off. Then some more food, a few more movies and some more sleep later I discovered my seat was broken and kept tilting itself backwards.
So I mentioned it to one of the flight crew I had made friends with that my seat was broken, and he said he would have to find me another seat for landing as it would not be safe and I jokingly said it was ok with me if he moved me to First class....
Ten minutes later he came back and told me to get my stuff. I said I could just leave it there and come get it later, but he said seeing I was going to the front of the plane, I should take it with me!!!!
And sure enough, I was moved to First Class for the remainder of the flight, and was determined not to cry whilst landing in First Class!
Being at the front of the plane means you get to disembark first, are the first through duty free, the first thru customs and I was not stopped going thru immigration, and my luggage was right in front of my when I got to there!!!
Dad, Matt and Kayo were there to greet me, and then Dad took me back to Matt's place, where Sondrine was waiting for us, as was one of the best hot showers I have ever had!
Spent the day with Dad, had a dinner for Kate's birthday that night. Then back to Young on the Thursday.
Can hear the sun calling me, so will go and catch some of it, and write more about my time since I have been here soon.
Things such as finding I have become the new 'Hot Chick' in town, and all the people who did not even realise I was gone.....
I am home, safe and sound.
Was waiting in line at Heathrow, and it was about half an hour after Nicola and the kids had left me when I saw this brown face walking by. I wondered if it was my friend Tiffany (who was also due to leave the UK the same time as me) and thought I would call out to her, and low and behold it was! So she managed to jump the cue and we did a little catching up, before talking our way into a shorter line.
When we made our way to the front of this line I was faced with a dilemma.
My flight was overbooked and they were looking for volunteers to go on the next day's flight. They were offering GBP400 cash and put you up for the night too!...
But after a little consideration of the height of my emotions at the time, I felt I did not want to hang around for another day, and it is only money right....? That also meant my request of an upgrade was wasted, but the guy did reassure me that if there was to be one at the last minute, I should not be surprised if they offered me one at the gate.
They did not.
I did however spent the whole time crying on the phone to Selina, which was rather weird seeing there was no emotion at all when I left Australia...
So I cried the time it took us to take off and the time it took us to land in Bangkok. With some half decent food, a few movies and a few hours sleep inbetween.
We were told we could leave the plane if we wanted, or stay on, as there would only be a stop of about an hour, and no time for shopping so I stayed on board. Took a walk around the plane (did you know they get fresh flowers in First class!!!!) and got to know some of the flight crew.
I was seated next to two men who had been in Bangkok for 10 days doing what single men do in Bangkok, and of course I cried again during take off. Then some more food, a few more movies and some more sleep later I discovered my seat was broken and kept tilting itself backwards.
So I mentioned it to one of the flight crew I had made friends with that my seat was broken, and he said he would have to find me another seat for landing as it would not be safe and I jokingly said it was ok with me if he moved me to First class....
Ten minutes later he came back and told me to get my stuff. I said I could just leave it there and come get it later, but he said seeing I was going to the front of the plane, I should take it with me!!!!
And sure enough, I was moved to First Class for the remainder of the flight, and was determined not to cry whilst landing in First Class!
Being at the front of the plane means you get to disembark first, are the first through duty free, the first thru customs and I was not stopped going thru immigration, and my luggage was right in front of my when I got to there!!!
Dad, Matt and Kayo were there to greet me, and then Dad took me back to Matt's place, where Sondrine was waiting for us, as was one of the best hot showers I have ever had!
Spent the day with Dad, had a dinner for Kate's birthday that night. Then back to Young on the Thursday.
Can hear the sun calling me, so will go and catch some of it, and write more about my time since I have been here soon.
Things such as finding I have become the new 'Hot Chick' in town, and all the people who did not even realise I was gone.....
When did you go overseas?
I miss out on everything.
cant wait to catch up.
Anonymous, at 9:16 PM
Great to know I was missed so much....
Who is this?
Aussie Abounds, at 12:32 AM
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