The Hole in The Wall Farewell.
Here are the photos from Sunday 23rd July 2006, the last day of trading for the Hole in the Wall. I was booked to go on a Mystery Weekend trip with Topdeck, the company I went to Normandy with, however as soon as I heard about the last day, I sold my ticket to a friend and stayed in London for the party. As of yet, nothing has happened at the site, and perhaps it will still be the same when I return next year...
Sally and Peter, who have bought a property in France and will be living there when I return. They also live up the road from one of the sites used in a Bridget Jones Diary movie. Outdoors scene, with vines growing over door and wall. Will have to watch them again to see if I can find it...
Charlene and I haveing a quiet moment. I remembered this photo being taken during the day, but obviously not...
Although this photo of Felix was also taken at the same time (I think) so maybe it was just the light from where we were sitting...
Billy, with the ever present grin, always slightly cheeky, that knowing glint in his eye which tells you he has so many stories to tell (like the ones he told us the other night about his days from touring with The Who)
This is Chris, Sara's brother who was at Park Road when the bench broke in Jennifer Saunders house

This is Edna, and Ian, who divorced years ago and have remained friends. A few weeks ago they announced they are going to be remarried on the upcoming Valentines Day, so all the best for the both

This is Lewis - mad car man, who floored me during the night by coming up to me and saying 'so you must be a Holden girl right?', Laura - who despite appearances is only 17 and was not drunk at the party. Laura's sister, and Hannah - sister of Sara, gf of Lewis, and owner of black patent Maryjane Manolo Blahniks!!!!

This is Ann, mother of Sara and Hannah
Barry doing what I will remember him most fondly doing, pouring himself a pint whilst listening to a story which he will no doubt have some knowledge and a great fact to relate...
This is Sniffer (Pat's sister) and Liz. If you enlarge and look at the photo on top left, you will see a Kiwi taking out a date...
All the girls did a singing dancing routine for Pat of her fav song - New York New York
All the staff who were still standing at the end of the night - Sniffer, Barry, Hannah, Liz, Laura, Maggie, Pat and Sara
The great couple themselves, who were a great support to me during my stay in Park Road, and after I moved to St Margarets
Sad to see it closing - god forbid it being replaced by some trendy 'watering hole' filled with white leather sofa's and polished aluminum surfaces (ala the Po-Mo revamp on the Simpsons). Give my best to everyone - I can't wait to see you again on AUS soil!
Matt, at 5:30 AM
Now if I told you what date I was returning, it would ruin the surprise of popping in to visit you wouldn't it?
Aussie Abounds, at 1:21 AM
All these lovely people seem to be in much better focus than they were on the night of your birthday!! Could have been something I ate!!
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM
To be honest, I don't remember them looking this clear on this night either. The photos were taken by Ann, perhaps she fiddled with the camera or something...
Aussie Abounds, at 7:29 AM
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