These are some of the photos I took of the weekend, and a few sent to me by others. Will come back and write comments some time I am feeling well enough...
This is one of the sections of walls aroung York. We walked some of them, and with no railing, and being wet and slippery, made for an interesting, mildly frightening morning. When I was packing my bag, I had to choose between water proof shoes and slip proof shoes, unfortunately I went for waterproof....
This is a church, whish if my cloudy brain will allow me to remember, might have been destoyed at the time Henry VIII abolished the Catholic religion so he could divorce his wife. The locals then destroyed the church to use the stones whilst building the city.... Or something like that!
The Hole in The Wall in York, made me feel right at home, shame we did not have time to go in..
This is the costume I made for the Fancy Dress Feast and games in Castle Bolton

Us enjoying our feast

TEAM BOOB - second place winners in the games, but by far the best eam as they gave me credit as a team member even though my illness forced me to stop playing after only the first round!

Someone being creative with me, my costume and a few candles. Quite like the effect, pretty sure it was Selina's handywork.

All of us after the games
These are the girls I knew before the weekend, Kristy, Mel, Selina and myself.
Me, Anna and Selina at the waterfall where Robin Hood and Little John fight in the movie Robin Hood Prince of Thieves

Same movie, only this waterfall is where Kevin Costner was bathing naked when Maid Marion paid him a visit....
Ania and I decided not to go to the last waterfall as it was starting to rain, and I was not well and she kept me company in the lottle pub, warming ourselves in front of the fire whilst the others made the trek, with my camera...
This was about the scariest thing we saw on the Ghost Hunt we went on this evening. Photography by Michael, only man on the trip and only one who was smart enough to drink beer on the hunt, and therefore slightly enjoyed himself!
This is Michael and his fiance Anna, a really cool Kiwi couple (yes they do exist). Anna is an Architect and Michael does something to do with Law and the Film industry. Anyway, awesome couple, really wished I had met them earlier on my stay in England, but as things are, they will still be here when I return next year, so looking forward to keeping in contact with them to renew the friendship then. they are also coming to my farewell party, and looking forward to seeing them again.

Here is Selina trying to concentrate whilst the Archery instructor chats her up. Even with him trying to distract her, she still managed to get the highest score from the women who played!

By the end of the trip we had all had enough of the tour guide Duncan, and decided to get our own back...

And naturally we succeeded!

This cool machine was in a services stop on the highway. For only one pound, you can safely charge your mobile phone for 20 minutes! Was a godsend seeing most of us had not taken chargers with us!
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