Munich Walking Tour
This was Jeff, our English tour guide thru Munich. When I booked into the hostel they told me about the free walking tour, and it sounded ideal, so thought I would give it a go. Figured even if it was free, the guide should know more about Munic than I did.... Well, turns out the hostel actually pays for the tour, and we joined other paying walkers, and it was awesome! In his hand he has his 'wallet' which most people who handle cash have. Cash registers are not a big thing in places like pubs and restuarants.
This is the group from the tour, outside the Royal Residences, now a museum.
The worlds most famous Glockenspiel, with chimes at 11.00, 12.00 and 17.00 daily. It depicts a royal wedding which took place, and is located in the main tower of the 'New Town Hall' (Ironically the Old Town Hall was bombed during the war, and was only recently rebuilt, so looks much newer than the New one!)
This would be the naked woman we saw enjoying the sun in the English Gardens. Apparently this is legal in certain parts of the park, and more than one cyclist has had to be rescued from the canal because they were not watching where they were going.

And this is a woman surfing in a purpose desinged outflow in the canal. The cement has been made in such a way that a constant wave is created, and there were about 6 people here sufing when we came across it!
This is 'the Devil's Footprint', an dme about to walk in it. It is in the doorway of 'Our Lady's Church'. Apparently he made a deal with the architect building the church that if the architect did not add any more windows he would help him build it in 20 years (very quick for those days). The Devil did this because from where he stood in the doorway whilst it was being built, he could only see the one window at the far end of the building behind the altar, and he thought it would make a perfect dark place for his worshipers. But naturally good triumphed over evil, as what the Devil did not know was that if he had taken three steps forward into the church he would have seen there were many windows in the side walls, which were already in place when the deal was made. So when he came back at the end of the 20 years, to check the progress, and realised he had been tricked, he stamped his foot into the floor, and the imprint remains to this day.....
This was lunch in one of the public beer gardens. Chicken Schnitzel, cold potato salad, and 1L of beer. NICE!

And this is Kyle (from Arizona), and Basim and his sister Roller (from Israel). We went out for dinner after the tour was over and we had some shopping time.
I'm all for one of Young!!
Anonymous, at 6:08 AM
hey sounds cool! I went on the walking tour of berlin - probably the same company, and it was awesome! Hope you have managed to get some songs back to your Ipod!
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM
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