Talent Show last night

Last night was a flash to the past as the children of the neighborhood gave a performance of things they had spent the afternoon practicing. Reminded me of the days when I would get a certain two boys I knew to dress up in my ballet cloths, and choreograph performances, or the ones we made up in the pool with the music coming from the window of Dad's shed.
It was great. With the great finale being a boy/man (I'm guessing 21 - gee, guess I am getting older eh?) who, when he had received the invitation that morning to the show, had decided that was just the excuse he needed to stop studying for his Uni exams to go into the shed. And a few hours later emerged with the carriage for his dog to pull! He gave a few of the smaller children a ride round the cul-de-sac before the dog - Rufus - had decided he'd had enough and just wanted to play!

Talk about a great hours, even if it was in the rain!
yes indeed, memories... i wonder what ever happened to Mr Stinson and his willing sidekick?? :) Great to see you maintaining the blog - wonderful to be able to hear what you are up to. Luv u. Foo
Anonymous, at 1:19 AM
Well Foo, from what I hear Mr Stinson has permanently crossed the fence and now bats for the other team. And I take no responsibility for this. He always chose the pink frilly one without persuasion.....
Aussie Abounds, at 1:39 PM
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