Super Nanny to the Rescue
The boy - James Jack - (Jimmy Jack) with his granddad - my uncle - Paul

The boy - James Jack - (Jimmy Jack) with his granddad - my uncle - Paul
We were the three girls of the Funke household. Selina was the temp nanny before I started, Elaina was the cleaner, and of course me
Some of the Hole In the Wall crew who made the effort to say farewell. Some only stayed for an hour before having to dash off, but I was touched by the effort!
These are the guys from the York trip who came to say goodbye. It is amazing how close you can become to people in such a short time
The final farewell to the kids at the airport. I think Annemarie was too tired to realise what was really going on, but the older ones sure did. I can't wait to see them all again. from all reports they have been growing up and developing fast without me, but my influence is still to be seen every now and then...
Annemarie has always asked me for pink and purple hair, and so I could not resist when I saw the hairspray at Cutter on the day of her party. Here she is bobbing for apples, she did get one, but I am unsure how much help she got from Nicola...
This is Emmy, the little sister of one of Annemaries friends. She also wanted an apple, but found a much easier way to get one whilst the adults were not looking...
I did it for them. Just as well there was plenty of leftovers, as the children in the neighbourhood later came trick or treating, and we had some goodies to give them...
Ania and I decided not to go to the last waterfall as it was starting to rain, and I was not well and she kept me company in the lottle pub, warming ourselves in front of the fire whilst the others made the trek, with my camera...
This was about the scariest thing we saw on the Ghost Hunt we went on this evening. Photography by Michael, only man on the trip and only one who was smart enough to drink beer on the hunt, and therefore slightly enjoyed himself!
This is Michael and his fiance Anna, a really cool Kiwi couple (yes they do exist). Anna is an Architect and Michael does something to do with Law and the Film industry. Anyway, awesome couple, really wished I had met them earlier on my stay in England, but as things are, they will still be here when I return next year, so looking forward to keeping in contact with them to renew the friendship then. they are also coming to my farewell party, and looking forward to seeing them again.
Here is Selina trying to concentrate whilst the Archery instructor chats her up. Even with him trying to distract her, she still managed to get the highest score from the women who played!
By the end of the trip we had all had enough of the tour guide Duncan, and decided to get our own back...
And naturally we succeeded!
This cool machine was in a services stop on the highway. For only one pound, you can safely charge your mobile phone for 20 minutes! Was a godsend seeing most of us had not taken chargers with us!
20 foot pumpkin man, and the kids with Nicola.
This is the herbal remedy hut in the Queen's Garden. There are inscriptions on the walls, books to read, and the herbs planted in the garden all have notes about what they were used for in ancient times. There was also a blank book for you to write your own remedies, to be collated by the staff.
Annemarie, Carl and Christina rolling down the hill just before we left for the day.